Integrating classroom studies with Mansfield Plantation is a perfect way to bring to life the stories of the past that have shaped our nation. Mansfield's 280 year history has seen European invasions, pirates, the Civil war, and the Great Depression. And while the area has seen some amazing history, it's natural beauty and lack of development makes it a perfect venue for ecological and biological studies. The following list will give you just a few ideas.
Cultural Studies: plantation life, Civil War, African-American slave culture, rice farming, carpetbaggers, antebellum architecture, 18th century American artwork, pirates, Blackbeard, the "Old South"
Natural Sciences: marshlands, canals, cypress pond, primary and secondary growth forest, rice fields, aquatic life, estuaries, live oak trees, Spanish moss, swamplands, lowcountry wildlife.
Field Trip in Focus
See how area students are incorporating real world experience into their studies with an archaeological dig at Mansfield! READ MORE