May 2018 — Mansfield Plantation featured in article about the Black River in Southern Strand news. READ MORE
May 2018 — Mansfield Plantation featured in Atlanta magazine's Southbound publication. READ MORE
May 2018 — Georgetown, SC ranks #1 in USA Today's 10 Best Coastal Small Towns. READ MORE
May 2018 — Mansfield Plantation mentioned in the travel section of the Charleston Gazette-Mail (West Virginia). READ MORE
October 2015 — Mansfield Plantation featured on NPR. Listen to Maria Whitehead of The Nature Conservancy discuss conservation easements with host Walter Edgar of Walter Edgar's Journal (30:00). LISTEN
February 2015 — Mansfield Plantation made the February issue of Grand Strand Magazine. Karen Fletcher and Kelly Harer give an in-depth look at the city of Georgetown and all its offerings. READ MORE
February 10, 2014 — The Parker Family and The Nature Conservancy Protect Georgetown's Historic Mansfield Plantation. READ MORE
Febryary 5, 2014 —Georgetown article featuring Mansfield Plantation in the Island Eye News. READ MORE
June, 2012 — Mansfield Plantation made the June issue of Grand Strand Magazine. Writer Denise Mullen dives deep into Mansfield's history and explores the variety of individuals who have valled Mansfield "home" over the years. READ MORE
January 2, 2012 — Our native quail rehabilitation efforts are under way! The Bobwhite Quail has seen drastic population decline since the 1950s due to habitat destruction. The agrarian countryside of early America—which was ideal for quail—has been lost to urban sprawl. In an effort to preserve this traditional "Southern bird," Mansfield has teamed up with TALL TIMBERS to help establish a strong quail population in Mansfield's upland forests and fields.
December 15, 2011 — Our 3rd slave village restoration project is complete! The preserved structure will serve as a museum, where guests can see what a typical slave cabin at Mansfield would have looked like.
February 14, 2011 — Mansfield Plantation Bed & Breakfast listed as a Top 10 Romantic Inn in the USA and Canada out of over 30,000 by ILoveInns.com, one of the largest boutique hospitality directories in the world. Thank you to all who have left kind remarks about your stay at Mansfield.
Mansfield Plantation embarks on an ambitious restoration project, including the rebuilding of the original rice mill and the restoration of a second slave cabin, which will act as a museum for overnight guests.
July, 2009 Watch Mansfield Plantation featured on Time Warner Cable's Palmetto People. WATCH VIDEO
February, 2009 Mansfield Plantation featured in the award-winning magazine, Garden & Gun. READ MORE
October 9, 2008 Mansfield Plantation is listed as a feature destination on CNN's top 10 bed and breakfast towns in America. READ MORE
July 29, 2008 Watch Mansfield Plantation on the Fine Living network's Windshield America. WATCH VIDEO
July 14, 2008 Mansfield Plantation was featured in the Travel section of the Charlotte Observer. READ MORE
January 21, 2008 Gift certificates, fine jewelry and wildlife prints available in our new online shopping store. CLICK HERE